Agricompas was founded in November 2016. It creates data analytics and matchmaking platforms per crop per country. We process economic, technical, environmental and social data into knowledge for Ag Tech, FinTech and ESG solutions. We share Free knowledge with farmers and data partners while Analytics as a Service is commercialised to a wide range of different stakeholders.
Knowledge for Free
Accurate, detailed and timely knowledge enables growers and agronomists to make better decisions and optimise sustainable production. Data partners like crop federations and research institutes can develop better crop management systems and provide faster and better recommendations to growers and policy makers. Examples:
- Yield forecast: Growers understand if a crop is performing well or not
- Gap Analysis: Yield potential change is linked to changing conditions
- Alerts: Changing conditions are translated in management recommendations
- Analysis: Benchmarking against historical, regional or national crop cycles
Analytics as a Service for a Fee
Our decision support modules provide comprehensive solutions to deal effectively with production and demand related challenges in agricultural production systems. These include: Climate change, soil erosion, fertilizer and pesticide pollution, low productivity and competitiveness, greenhouse gasses, income stability, and food security. Modules:
- Productivity: Optimise crop production parameters short term (cycle)
- Finance: Optimise capital investments in the medium to long term
- Insurance: Fast and accurate yield gap assessment and compensation
- Supply chain: Integrated crop production, harvest, logistics and processing
- Food security: Crop monitoring & yield forecasting
- Environment: Reducing the environmental impact of agriculture
- R&D: Develop faster and better inputs and management systems